- Male
- 24
- From Chicago, USA
- Has South American heritage. Mum and dad are splitting the cost of study with him.
- Potential postgraduate student. Has a Bachelor of Science majoring in Geophysical Sciences. Wants to do a Masters.
- Was a solid B undergrad student. Excelled at practical tasks but found essay writing and group work tiresome.
- Tossing up between NZ and Australia. Attracted to NZ for its environment and reputation for innovation. But are there jobs?
- Wants to live in a hall to meet people.
- Is confident, social and makes friends easily but rarely gets close to people.
- Physically active and adventurous. Bit of a risk taker.
- Influenced by his parents and their social group more than his own. Also by 'thought leaders' in his field.
- Idealist but in a 'practical' way. For example, is interested in renewable energy partly because he thinks the job prospects are good.
“Studying in New Zealand looks expensive so I’ll need a part-time job to get by. I’d like something in my field, I wonder if it’s as hard to get a paid internship as it is in the States?”
- Impatient – if he can’t find the answer to a question quickly, he’ll just give up and write it off. Will usually start with a google search.
- Likes to be seen as ‘having it together’ so unlikely to ask questions (even of friends) if he can’t figure something out, especially when he’s new.
- Gets frustrated by rules and processes and will cut corners where necessary.
Comfortable with changing technology but doesn’t care for most of it. Likes to go off-grid.
Devices: Has a basic smartphone and laptop. Updates them only when they break, and usually not with the newest model.
Tertiary education and career goals
Has vague life plans and sometimes feels directionless. Really just wants to be independent but knows that requires money.
- Could never do something he hated for a living. Dreads winding sitting at a desk.
- Considering staying in the Australasian region after he finishes studying. Is worried about job prospects in New Zealand, particularly, so wants to make networks through his studies.'
Information needs from Victoria
- Needs good communication networks in place because he doesn't like to go looking for information.
- Won't stray far from his google search results, so information needs to be searchable.