'Ladder climber' type from Colmar Brunton tribes.
'Natalie' profile in SAS personas.
- Female
- 22 years old
- From China
- Studying Biomedical Science. Is at year 4 in undergrad degree. Intends to do Masters.
- Flatting
- Social, enjoys going out with friends - but when assignment work or study needs to be done, always puts that first.
- Enjoys shopping - but has to make financial sacrifices while she's a student.
- Independent
- Influenced by her peers
- Self-motivated, is achieving well at uni
- Extremely confident - an extrovert
- Financial decision maker.
"I work hard and achieve great results from it, which keeps me motivated. I am reassured about my future after university. If I do my postgrad study, that should definitely help."
Technology and internet
Communications preferences: Checks emails frequently. Also gets face-to-face updates at lectures. Uses Blackboard, MyVic, the Library website and the (main) VUW website. Receives event updates through FB, but doesn't have time to take part.
Devices: Tablet and iPhone. Accesses Vic WIFI. Uses computers in Library.
Tertiary education and career goals
- Driven to complete her degree well. Will definitely do postgrad.
- Has a clear, high-achieving career path in mind.
Information needs from Victoria